Book trailer  for 'Het huis van Vasha'
Animation and illustration - Irina Filcer and Aart Kramer
Music  - Irina Filcer
Voices - Irina Filcer, Aart Kramer, 
 Henrieke Hougee and Remi Hougee
Book trailer  for 'Takkenhoofd'
Animation and illustration - Irina Filcer and Aart Kramer
Music and sound - Chris Oelmeijer
Text and voice - Inge Besaris

... dat rijmt ...
Stop-motion animation that Aart Kramer and I made
from a poem by Hans Kuyper, who also did the voice.
The poem was published by Uitgeverij Leopold in 2008.
La Danza de los Muertos
Music video of The Anacondas

Stop-motion animation fragments
Bits of stop-motion animations made by
Aart Kramer and me.

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